موضوع: Introduction to Sociology 2006 27/9/2011, 8:33 pm
Introduction to Sociology By Henry L. Tischler 9 edition, 2006 672 pages 18,6 MB This revised edition of Tischler's INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY continues a tradition of providing a proven and comprehensive textbook to students and professors at a lower, very reasonable price. With its built in study guide, practice tests, and available access to SociologyNow, no other textbook on the market provides students with a complete suite of study aids at an affordable price as INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY. Tischler is known for providing full coverage of sociological concepts in a student-friendly manner, and threading two basic ideas throughout the text- 1) sociology is a rigorous, scientific discipline and 2) a basic knowledge of sociology is essential for understanding social interaction in many work and social settings. Each chapter progresses from a specific to a general analysis of society - each part introducing increasingly comprehensive factors necessary for a broad-based understanding of social organization.